Usability Test
My first task was to conduct a usability test of the existing website to probe for issues and room for improvement. The test was originally intended to be conducted only to the Comapany Registry Page and hence only involves the current clients’ stakeholders.
However, I argued that since Bumiterra was aiming to not only retain the existing clients but also persuade new ones, it was imperative to make the website attractive and informative for potential clients. On top of that, I found out that the ratio of desktop and mobile traffic was around 3:2. Hence, the mobile experience also needs to be paid attention.

Company Registry
The new look of the Company Registry Page improved upon several key features.
First, the topline restoration metrics cards are clickable which explains the metric itself and how it was measured since some users don’t understand what the metrics are supposed to convey. Next, the reforestation process is explained in one clean diagram. This diagram aims to clarify that at the beginning of the reforestation process the restored land may look somewhat less “green” than before the restoration effort due to vegetation clearing. Then, a short journal of the local community keeper is up for the user to read. This section further enhance the story-telling and invites readers to empathize more on the restoration effort. Lastly, a section about the impact of cultivated flora was added as users are very curious about it. Displayed in linear dendrogram, this chart is able to efficiently show the role of each species and the amount of biomass produced.